August 9, 2010

Logic Pro 9: Chapter6 Working with Markers

Logic Pro 9 User Manual(PDF) P.143 -

To open the Marker List as a tab in the Arrange window P.145
Toggle Marker List key command: ⌥M

To open the Marker List as a separate window
• Choose Options > Marker > Open Marker List
• Drag the Marker tab, which changes to the Marker List window as you drag it

Creating Markers P.146
⌃K Create Marker on the fly during playback
In the Bar ruler: Option-Command-click the desired project position. This only works if the Marker track isn’t displayed.
⇧K Create Marker by Regions
⌘⌫ Delete Marker

To create a marker at the beginning of the neares tbar
To create a marker that in not rounded to the neares tbar
To create a marker and determine its position
To create markers at the positions of all currently selected regions
To create a marker that corresponds exactly to the length and position of a cycle

Naming Markers P.150
To edit a marker name in the Bar ruler
・Option - double-click the marker

Editing Markers P.154
To change the position of a marker
・In the Bar ruler: Command-drag the marker to the left or right

To adjust a marker to fit a cycle P.156
・Drag a cycle onto an existing marker

Navigating with Markers P.156 ***
To move the playhead to a marker
・In the Bar ruler: Press Command and click the marker
・In the Marker List: Click a marker with the Finger tool

( To move to the next or previous marker P.157 )

To create a cycle from a marker P.157
・Hold down Command, and drag the marker up in to the top part of the Bar ruler

Logic Pro 9: Chapter7 Working with Projects >>>

Logic Studio Surround MultiMeter Logic Pro サラウンド・マルチメーター
Logic Pro 9 User Manual(PDF)
Logic Studio Effects Manual(PDF)
Apple Logic Pro Support
Logic Studio アップグレード版(Logic ProまたはLogic Studioユーザ用) ¥21,800
Logic Pro 9 for Macintosh徹底操作ガイド ¥3,675
サラウンド入門 サラウンド制作のガイドブック

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